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Over the course of nearly nine months in 1996, he made video diaries about her and other topics at his apartment in Hollywood, Florida. On September 12, 1996, López mailed a letter bomb rigged with sulfuric acid to Björk's residence in London, then returned home, recorded a final video diary explaining his motivations, and ended it filming HOLLYWOOD, FLORIDA, USA - SEPTEMBER 12, 1996 The video shows the full last footage from the video diary of Ricardo López, who was also known as "the Björk stalker". It shows his suicide, when he shoots himself in the mouth with a revolver. He earned his nickname mainly due to his obsession with the Icelandic Ricardo López (January 14, 1975 - September 12, 1996), also known as "the Björk stalker", was an American pest exterminator who attempted to murder the Icelandic singer Björk. López was born in Montevideo, Uruguay, and moved to Lawrenceville, Georgia, with his family, where he began working as an exterminator. TV NSA Clip Library; Top. Animation & Cartoons; Arts & Music; Computers & Technology; The Bjork Stalker - Ricardo Lopez Video Item Preview The Bjork Stalker - Ricardo Lopez by Horror Stories. Publication date 2018-04-13 Topics #reupload Language English Item Size 62.8M Ricardo Lopez/The Bjork Stalker case in full details: Lopez tapes: Share your videos with friends, family, and the world 21-year-old Ricardo Lopez wakes up slightly earlier than normal - or potentially went the whole night without sleeping. He feels a strange sense of calm rush Several months back, I watched a very long, about 3 or 4 hours, documentary on Ricardo Lopez who stalked a celebrity then, tried to send her a box or acid before killing himself on camera. He vlogged himself making the device to deliver the poison and there was over 18 hours of footage he recorded. Anti terrorist squad of Scotland Yard (Bjork lived in London, UK) was tipped off by the US detectives about potentially dangerous content of the package and destroyed it before it

could harm Bjork. Ricardo Lopez kept disturbing video diary highlighting his insane obsession with Bjork and after his failed attempt to kill her with acid parcel, he Ricardo Lopez, who was more known by the name Bjork Stalker, was a pest control worker living in Hollywood, Florida. Lopez had become obsessed with the Icelandic singer named Bjork, and had devised a plan to take her life using a letter bomb he created that was laced with sulfuric acid. Lopez recorded himself as he prepared his bomb, often mumbling and making incoherent statements as he worked